Prevent The Third Semester Slump

1. ORGANISE: Look again at where and when a child learns. Is it quiet and away from the television? Is the area well-organised with colour coding for different subjects? Is there a whiteboard where your child can write down important tasks and schedules? Fiing systems for attention deficit sufferers should stand upright and be easily accessible.
2. GIVE MEDICATION A SECOND LOOK: Make an appointment with the teacher and ask if there is a certain time of day during which it appears that the medication is less effective. Discuss possible adjustments with your doctor.
3. HOMEWORK PRIORITIES: Help your child to arrange homework/tasks according to degree of difficulty and time needed (on the whiteboard) and make tick marks next to them as he/she completes them.
4. AVOID LAST-MINUTE PANIC: Make a schedule of tests, how long preparation will take and ensure that he/she knows what tests will be about.
5. STAY IN CONTACT: Make sure that you know what’s happening in your child’s life, e.g. how he/she gets along with classmates and teachers and if he/she takes part in discussions. If your child gets along especially well with a certain teacher, this person can be a good choice to make contact with to keep you informed about how things are really going with your child.

6. CALL IN HELP: Look for signs that your child might need extra help with work, e.g. if he/she feels anxious before tests, works hard but still has falling grades, or does not want to go to school.H


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