Child & Adolescent Assessment

Child & Adolescent Assessment

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Parents Assessment pack Download

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Teachers Assessment pack Download

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In order to maximise time spent during consultation the following should be made available at least one week before appointment.

Child Assessment Instructions

Your child is being assessed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and or associated conditions (medical, learning, emotional). You will be asked to complete forms in order to provide information on how your child functions in different areas of life.
This information must be reviewed by a trained medical professional as part of an overall ADHD assessment. ADHD is not identified just through questionnaires. Diagnosing ADHD is not a matter of simply recognizing certain symptoms; a thorough medical evaluation is necessary to rule out other possible causes for your child’s symptoms. The assessment is a clinical assessment and does not necessarily need special tests( i.e. brain scans, E.E.G, or blood tests) as many people think is needed. Therefore the accurate completion of forms and complete supply of additional information from other professionals, is critical to provide your child with an accurate assessment and diagnosis.
Your input is very important but don’t worry about answering the questions incorrectly or be concerned that you might ‘label’ your child. There are no right or wrong answers. You will be asked questions about how your child functions in a variety of different situations. If you are unsure of an answer, provide an answer which best describes your child a good deal of the time in that particular situation. Individual questions are less important than the scale as a whole, and this can only be properly evaluated by a trained medical professional specializing in ADHD.
If the child is living in two households, each household should complete these forms separately. It is important that parents take the time to thoughtfully complete all the required questionnaires. This information on how your child functions in different settings is essential. Therefore, it is also important that your child’s teacher provides feedback. Please give the teacher the indicated forms and the teacher instruction handout.
Additional testing may be recommended at the assessment. This is particularly important if a learning disorder, speech disorder, or any other health condition is suspected.
If you were not given copies of the forms, instructions and handouts that you need, they can all be downloaded and printed from our website ( and (
The initial assessment requires a ¾ hour to 1 hour appointment. Timeous completion of all forms and submission 1 week before appointment will allow a more efficient use of time during the consultation. Arrival 20min before consultation for completion of administration forms and weighing and measuring of your child so that we can spend as much time with the assessment.
Depending on the assessment outcome a one month follow up appointment will be made to assess treatment or review additional tests. A follow up feedback email is encouraged from parents and or teachers after one week on treatment. ADHD will require regular follow-ups at least twice a year.
An assessment report will be compiled and emailed to all relevant role players in the holistic management of your child. Should you not wish for the report to be emailed to role players, please inform us before the appointment.
We invite parents and all medical professionals to embrace modern technology and communicate by email feedback and questions or concerns.




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